Monday, May 5, 2008

We Make Progress

We now have about 80 square feet of vegetable gardens. The new raised beds - three 2'x6'x1' boxes - are ready for planting. We'll wait about two weeks until all danger of frost has passed before we put the tomatoes, zucchini, beans, and cucumbers in the ground.

Last year we built one large plot, 8'x12', using railroad ties to contain the dirt; the railroad ties are incredibly heavy, so we really broke our backs. We also didn't have enough top soil to fill the thing, so we ended up making mounded rows, which are a little unstable and don't quite optimize the space. Finally, the whole plot is situated in partial shade. DUH.

The new beds are in full sun, they are smaller so we can reach all sides; they are full to the top one inch; and they are made out of lightweight 2-by-12's. J. also banged together a sifter, so we've gotten most of the rocks out of the top soil. If things go all right, we'll be able to grow the majority of our vegetables for 5 months out of the year. We're thinking about setting up a germinating system (in the basement?) next year to increase that to maybe 6 or 7 months.

So, we learn and we improve. Also: I had written last year about not being able to change my water filter without J.'s help. I am happy to report that I have done it! With a little creative bracing (my feet up on the wall and my back against the opposite wall), I was able twist the old filter loose and tighten up a new one.

We make progress.

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